The biography chart is a useful learning and teaching aid that can be used to assist students with dyslexia, as well as for studying purposes by anyone else.
By providing biographical facts and inputs on literary production, students can easily create simple sentences, paragraphs, and eventually, a complete text."
The biography chart consists of two columns.
The column on the left includes headings for the data, while the right column presents information about the writer.
The biography chart is divided into two parts:
- the biographical part (Essential biographic info)
- the literary production part (Literary production).
Our website offers a collection of free materials for studying and teaching purposes. Please feel free to utilize them.

LnT suggests
LnT practising the biography chart with the useful expressions especially crafted for he biography chart. Memorize those useful phrases to jazz up your vocab game!
LnT exploring Tennyson's "Ulysses" in a unique way: read it an impressive 10 times! Remember to check the word list. This detailed reading exercise will help you understand the poem better and improve your analysis skills!
LnT exploring the text analysis of the poem Ulysses
LnT practising the analysis of Tennyson's poem with a touch of sophistication, utilizing the array of literary tools offered on the website, such as useful expressions for presenting a literary work
LnT also runs a Youtube channel. Explore the text analysis of Ulysses and be sure to watch the video on The Dramatic Monologue to learn about the poem's genre