"The Wife of Bath"
Division into Sections
32 lines dedicated to the Wife of Bath from The General Prologue
The table presented below can serve as an interactive learning tool. It was initially designed for the entire class, with the primary focus on aiding students with dyslexia or special needs, while remaining a useful learning tool for all students. It is a product of collaborative efforts, involving extensive brainstorming and diligent work. The students, engaged in a collective effort, discussed and dissected every word before meticulously organizing the information into the chart. The atmosphere during this process was one of joy and pride, with both the students and myself as their teacher sharing a sense of accomplishment.
The chart below serves as a learning tool specifically designed for accurately summarizing literary texts. It plays a crucial role in an ongoing process—the learning of textual analysis.
Its preparation involved a systematic approach:
-After a thorough reading of the text, the students strategically divided it into distinct parts, identifying each event within the plot.
-Subsequently, we engaged in a collaborative brainstorming session to elucidate the essence of each segment. Initially, the syntheses were more detailed than what is presented below. Through a series of questions and answers, the sentences were reformulated, rewritten, abbreviated, and occasionally expanded.
Finally, after the transformative process of the sentences, we selected a fitting title for each section—an endeavour that proved to be no simple feat.
This entire process not only facilitated a deeper understanding of the text but also developed critical analytical skills among the students.

LnT suggests
LnT reading the text of the extract from The General Prologue about "The Wife of Bath".
LnT exploring summaries written at varying levels of English based on the provided table.