The following 6 steps method to an effective summary of a text is quite simple. It may seem a bit long at the beginning but it is worth it!

LnT Read the text and check the wordlist. The point of summarizing is to really understand the text.

LnT Read the text again and pay attention to its general structure. Identify the author and the title. Explain the title. Is there a subtitle? How many paragraphs are there? 


The author of the text is .... The title hints at (topic). The text is composed of [4] paragraphs. Each paragraph has its own subtitles.

LnT The number of paragraphs shows more or less the number of main ideas you'll find in the text. Now what is a main idea?

It is a very easy concept. Just answer the following question: what is the author of the text saying about a person, thing, or idea ?

It may happen the same main idea is expressed in two different ways: choose the idea that creates images in your brain. You'll remember them more easily.


Chaucer, the founder of the English language, started writing poems in English in a period in which written works were usually written in Latin, the lingua franca (a language which was used to communicate between people who did not speak the same language) and in French, the language of the upper class.

Geoffrey Chaucer was probably born in London between 1340 and 1345. Little is known of his early life and education except that his father was a wine merchant, connected with the court. Chaucer started serving as a page for Elizabeth, Countess of Ulster (wife of Edward III's son.) He served as attendant, messenger and entertainer as well. It is probably when he began to think of himself as a poet. The Countess was French so it is commonly believed that works by French poets were available and may have provided an inspiration for the poet's earliest poems: The Book of the Duchess and The Parlement of Foules (The Parliament of Birds.)

Chaucer took part in military expeditions in France and was captured by the French in 1359. The king paid his ransom. Then Edward III sent him on various diplomatic missions to France and Italy (Genoa and Florence.) During these missions he was probably exposed to the works of Froissart, Dante, Boccaccio and Petrarch.

These are the first lines of Chaucer's biography.

What is the author of the text saying about Chaucer ?

Chaucer, the founder of the English language, started writing poems in English in a period in which written works were usually written in Latin, the lingua franca (a language which was used to communicate between people who did not speak the same language) and in French, the language of the upper class.

Geoffrey Chaucer was probably born in London between 1340 and 1345. Little is known of his early life and education except that his father was a wine merchant, connected with the court. Chaucer started serving as a page for Elizabeth, Countess of Ulster (wife of Edward III's son.) He served as attendant, messenger and entertainer as well. It is probably when he began to think of himself as a poet. The Countess was French so it is commonly believed that works by French poets were available and may have provided an inspiration for the poet's earliest poems: The Book of the Duchess and The Parlement of Foules (The Parliament of Birds.)

Chaucer took part in military expeditions in France and was captured by the French in 1359. The king paid his ransom. Then Edward III sent him on various diplomatic missions to France and Italy (Genoa and Florence.) During these missions he was probably exposed to the works of Froissart, Dante, Boccaccio and Petrarch.

LnT Once the main ideas are identified, read the text again and underline the keywords they contain.

Search for names, dates, events, words and numbers. Ignore examples, illustrations and explanations.


Chaucer, the founder of the English language, started writing poems in English in a period in which written works were usually written in Latin.

Little is known of his early life and education except that his father was a wine merchant, connected with the court. 

Chaucer took part in military expeditions in France and was captured by the French in 1359. [...] he was probably exposed to the works of Froissart, Dante, Boccaccio and Petrarch.

LnT Now you can use the keywords to write a text of your own. Start simply. Details can wait.


This text , entitled "Chaucer's biography", is about Chaucer, the founder of the English language. It is composed of .... paragraphs. There aren't any subtitles. 

Chaucer, the founder of English language, wrote poems in English for the first time in English literature. We know little about his early life and education. He went on military missions. During those missions he knew Froissart, Dante, Boccaccio and Petrarch's works.

LnT When you're finished with the first draft of your summary, add some details. Use linking words to make your summary easy to read. Check your syntax, spelling and tenses. Prefer short, simple and clear sentences.