How to pronounce Robinson Crusoe?
First names and last names sound different or even funny if pronounced in a language different from ours.
John Barre ( International Content & Research Manager at JobLeads GmbH (2017-present) wrote on
"Beth" sounds like "bête" (silly) in French.
"Sally" sounds like "sali" (dirty) in French.
"Archibald" sounds a bit like "very soon" in German.
"Tyler" sounds a bit like "T'as l'heure?" (What time is it) in French.
Can't think of anything else... It's a funny exercise though!
Let's take a very simple name like Anna, for example.
Listen to the different pronunciations by clicking on the link below. You'll find a map with ▷. By clicking on them you'll be able to listen to various pronunciations depending on the geographical position.
Now let's try this with titles of books. Of course, the title of many famous novels are usually translated into the main languages:
"Les Trois Mousquetaires" is "The Three Musketeers" in English.
"Paradise Lost" becomes "Le Paradis Perdu" in French.
The famous German novel "Die Leiden des jungen Werther" transforms into "The Sorrows of Young Werther" in English.
Click on ▷
Did you recognize the different way of pronouncing the title of this famous novel by Daniel Defoe.
They're funny, aren't they?
Read the first page of the novel easily, click here. Do not hesitate, you'll find a wordlist...