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Literature No Trouble
Requested Info Useful Expressions Data
Title of the main work - The name of the main work is...
- The main work is titled...
- The title given to the main work is...
- The main work is named...
Collection - This work is part of a collection called...
- The main work belongs to a collection named...
- It is included in a collection of works called...
- The novel is part of a larger collection of...
Author - The author of this work is...
- This work was written by...
- The person who wrote this work is...
- The novel was authored by...
Introduction - The introduction provides an overview of...
- In the introduction, the reader is given a...
- The beginning of the book offers a brief...
- The introduction gives readers an overview...
Historical context - The historical context of this work is...
- This work is influenced by the historical...
- The story is set in a specific historical...
- The author's writing style in this novel...
Literary context - This work is influenced by the literary...
- The author drew inspiration from the...
- It reflects the prevailing literary style...
- The author skillfully incorporates elements...
Explanation of the title - The title of this work is explained by...
- The author provides insight into the meaning...
- In the book, the reason for the title is...
- The title of the novel holds significant...
Publication - This work was published in...
- The book became available to the public...
- It was released and made accessible to...
- The novel was published in multiple...
Sources - The author used various sources to write...
- Extensive research went into the creation...
- The author relied on a range of materials...
- The author meticulously researched and...
Genre - The genre of this work is...
- It falls into the category of...
- This book can be classified as a...
- This novel is categorized as a compelling...
Structure - The structure of this work can be described as...
- The book follows a specific organizational...
- The author has divided the work into...
- The novel is structured in a way that...
Plot - The plot of this work revolves around...
- The story centers on...
- It follows the events of...
- The novel presents an engaging plot...
Characters - The main characters in this work are...
- The story features several key characters...
- The book introduces us to a cast of...
- In this novel, readers will encounter...
Setting - The setting of this work is...
- The story takes place in...
- It is set in...
- The novel unfolds in a vividly described...
Time - The story takes place during...
- The events of the book occur in the...
- It is set in...
- Readers will be transported to a specific...
Place - The story is set in a particular place...
- The events of the book take place in...
- The setting is characterized by its...
- Readers will be immersed in the unique...
Themes - The main themes explored in this work include...
- This novel delves into themes such as...
- The story tackles important themes like...
- Readers will encounter thought-provoking...